Friday, 26 November 2010

1st shoot

Today we did our first shoot at the Humber Bridge/Hessle Foreshore. At first, I didn't feel too confident using the camera as I had never really used one before, but I did a number of different test shots including close ups, medium shots, pans and handheld camera shots. For a first go I thought I did quite well and further on during the day I became more confident using it. The actors performed very well and created a romantic atmosphere, which I wanted. I have done a range of different camera shots today and I think my footage could be used in my final video. There were a few mistakes with the camera but we picked it back up and got on filming. We filmed them on the foreshore doing piggy backs, throwing stones into the river, holding hands walking and much more which referred to the storyboard. We filmed a fight with leaves in the wood, the leaves falling on the girl, them chasing eachother and much more which again, referred back to the storyboard. We also filmed the dining room scene which will be the openiong scene in the video where they will break out into the argument. I'm not sure that this will work as the actors couldn't seem to get into character too well but once I upload it onto the editing suite I will soon find out.

I hope to do two more shoots, at the park and in a living room which will done soon, but I feel I had a very productive day at the foreshore and I hope that my footage can be edited and used for my final video.

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