Tuesday 1 March 2011


Today I have been playing around with different backgrounds to use behind Danny singing, I want it to be a really good background because the performance is so good. I played around with using different colours to match each beat which is a convention of music videos. I used red, green, yellow and blue but when I played it back with the music and included it in the rest of the video but it didn't go at all! So I took them off and had a flick through my previous clips at the foreshore. I found a pan of the humber bridge and the sunset I had taken, I played it and the camera movement was really shakey but then I thought of an idea to still frame it. I still framed the background when you can see the stones and pebbles on the floor and there is a sunset in the background. I added the image to one clip and it looked really good! It went well with the rest of the video and it matched with the mood, tone and style of the video. So now that I had a background I applied it to every clip of him singing in the green room and I had a very productive editing session. Hopefully, I will be finished in my next editing session!

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