Monday 28 February 2011

Digipak Template

This is a template of the inside of a 6 panel digipak.

This is a 3D design of a 6 panel digipak for a CD cover

Saturday 26 February 2011

Ellie Goulding Album advertisement

This is the poster advertisement for Ellie Gouldings album 'Lights'. She is represented in a very casual and cool way as she is posed looking down with her arm above her head. She doesn't have much make up on unlike other pop/indie artists which creates a very laid back ideology of her. This could suggest that her music is more important than her appearance. Her hair is styled quite naturally which matches her make up reinforcing the importance of her music rather than her image. She is wearing a black top which is quite bland and it makes her look natural and plain as an artist, but due to this she appears to be unique as most pop artists dress glamourously and over the top. The camera shot is a close up of her as the main focus and her name is written as the masthead in a retro style font which stands out, underneath is the title of the album written in the same font. The fonts are very bright which reflects the title of the album. The colour scheme for this poster is quite natural with blacks, whites and vibrant yellows. The vibrant yellow text connotates the title of the album which is 'lights' due to them being yellow and bright. The masthead also stands out more due to its brightness. The artwork used in her hair also brings 'light' to the poster and reflects the connotations, it also attracts more attention to the artist as it adds more sophistication and glamour to the poster. Underneath the title of the album there are 3 positive reviews from websites and magazines which will help promote her album. Also at the bottom of the poster there is the institution (record label) and copyright information. I think that I will use reviews in my poster advert because I think they are a very effective way of promoting.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Green Day American Idiot advertisement

This poster advert is promoting Green Day's album, 'American Idiot'. It is a very simple advertisement but it's effective. I would say that this poster advert breaks the conventions. It doesn't contain an image of the band but just some contemporary artwork which is seen as a logo of the band. The masthead is placed in the top left corner and it is in a very bold army style font, it immediately stands out on the page as it's bright white against a black background. The army style font connotes the fact that this band are very anti-war. It could also reflect the loud abrupt music that Green Day produce. Next to the masthead it says 'presents' in a smaller less bold font which makes the band name and the album title stand out more. The album title is beneath in a red font which follows the colour scheme of red, black and white. These three colours are very bold, deep colours which immediately catch the eye. The red also represents blood, as seen in the contemporary hand grenade logo. The heart shape hand grenade is the main focus point of the advert and it links closely with the army style font. As Green Day are against war, they want the audience to be reminded of this, and they have used this symbol as a focal point. The red suggests danger and grenade represents war itself. Also, the fact that it is heart shaped with blood coming out could connote a broken heart as war is upsetting the world. One track featured on this album called 'She's a rebel' contains lyrics saying 'She's holding on my heart like a hand grenade' which shows another connotation to this image. The record label logo is also shown in the bottom left corner, which promotes the institution without taking attention away from the main promotion, the album. I think that this poster is a very simple yet effective advertisement, its simplicity makes it attract more attention due to the bold colours used in the fonts and the image, I will definately use a bold typeface in my poster advertisement as it has proved to be very effective in this poster.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Gwen Stefani album advertisement

This is the magazine poster advertisement for Gwen Stefani's album 'Love. Angel. Music. Baby.', she is represented in a very outrageous and over the top way which matches her overall style and persona. The mise-en-scene proves this as she is sat on a thrown with a crown and a pole with diamons on it. This shows that she is being represented as important but also glamourous. Her fur coat and her brooch suggests the same. The diamonds also represent her wealth. Her hair is well styled in blonde thick curls which tells us that she is a girly and that she takes care of her appearance and that it's important. Her dark eye make-up, again says that she is very glamourous, along with her red lipstick which also matches the main colour scheme of red, gold and white. The colour scheme connotes wealth and authority and her ideology is to be a queen. The camera shot is a medium shot of her pose being the main focus. The masthead which is her name is in a gold traditional font which reinforces the idea of being rich and because its very bold it stands out against the white background. Underneath the masthead is the tagline which is the title of the album. It is the same font and colour which creates a house style and it again stands out because its bold and against the white background. This poster shows the actual album cover below the artists name which would attract the audiences attention and it reinforces the idea of promotion. The institution 'Target' are placed at the bottom of the poster and is written in a bold black font with the red logo beside it, this promotes the record label as well as Gwen Stefani's album. Additional information at the bottom of the page consists of some featured songs on the album, and on the right hand side there are terms and conditions. This will help me to create my own poster advertisement as it has given me more of an idea of the conventions and what is included.

Monday 14 February 2011


Today I filmed Danny sat in a chair and uploaded it onto the editing suite. Like in the green room, we played the song on my phone and he sang along. He was in character and he performed really well again. I did a range of different shots including low and high angle close up and medium shots. When I uploaded them onto Adobe premier, I realised that the lighting was really bad and only some of the shots were good enough to use with a bit of editing aswell. So I synced up two sections of the song and then I changed the colour to high contrast black and white which isn't the same as black and white so it doesn't clash with the memories! I've had a very productive day and I have more added to my video. All I need to do now is add the last 30seconds of my video and find an image for the green screen background!

Thursday 10 February 2011


I uploaded the footage of Sarah today and edited bits of it.
I changed a clip into black and white and changed the contrast, colour and brightness to get a good effect. I also slowed it down so I matched the pace and tone of the song. I have added 3 parts of the flower footage into my video and it looks really good and girly. I also slowed down the clips of her and her dog playing, as well as changing it into black and white, which again looked very good at the end of my video where the tempo decreases. I am well on my way to finishing my video as all I need to do is get a background for the green screen clips and record Danny singing in another place and add them into my video.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Pink Funhouse cover

Funhouse is the fifth studio album by Pink, released by LaFace records in October 2008.

The language on the album cover includes the title of the album and the name of the artist a number of times. A funhouse is an amusement facility found at a funfair in which patrons can have a number of unusual and hopefully amusing experiences. The colour scheme used is black, pink, white and a vintage yellow which links in with the retro style of funfairs and the pink diagonal banner ironically links to her name.
The word funfair is a polysemic word which could portray different interpretations of the album cover.
The wooden horse is significant to carousels at the funfair but it also links in with horseback riders at the circus. Her costume supports this idea as horseback riders in the circus wear pink dresses. Also, the fact that her dress is pink, again refers back to her name. This image of pink
riding a horse could also connote that she is riding through her music career as well as having fun which relates back to the title of the album, 'Funhouse', she could be referring to her career as a funhouse. Pink is also wearing a large diamond ring on her little finger which is a sign of success and wealth, her hair is short and messily styled to give off the impression that she doesn't care and that she has a more boyish side to her. This is also portrayed by her tattoos which are on view, they suggest she has a tough attitude or persona as well as being girly. Her pose is very staged, with her leg and foot pointed upwards, this could be seen to be quite flirty but fun, which is the main message the album cover is trying to get across. There is a lot of funfair imagery used on this album cover, such as the black swirling pattern at each corner and the font of her name is vintage and retro and referential to Circuses and funfairs.

This image shows the front cover, the back cover, the spine and the CD for Pinks album 'Funhouse'. The back cover supports the colour scheme on the front cover and the retro font styles. The CD art also supports the colour scheme running throughout and refers to the 'horseback riding' circus theme.

'Funhouse' Track List
1. So What
2. Sober (ft. Tony Kanal)
3. I Don't Believe You
4. One Foot Wrong
5. Please Don't Leave Me
6. Bad Influence
7. Funhouse (ft. Tony Kanal)
8. Crystal Ball
9. Mean
10. It's All Your Fault
11. Ave Mary A
12. Glitter In The Air